Victoria is the most urbanized and second most populated in state in the Commonwealth of Australia. Geographically, it is the smallest mainland state in...
Victoria is the most urbanized and second most populated in state in the Commonwealth of Australia. Geographically, it is the smallest mainland state in...
Tasmania is a state and island at the same time in Australia. It is exactly located 240 kilometers south of the eastern side of the country. It is sep...
The South Australia Act of 1834 was passed by the British Parliament. This act enables the South Australia province to be established. It also states...
Queensland is a state in the Commonwealth of Australia occupying the northeastern region of the continent’s mainland section. It is bordered by New...
The Northern Territory is the centralized region of Australia. It occupies much of mainland center in the country including other central northern...
New South Wales or NSW is the most populated state in Australia. It is located in the southeastern region of the country, east of South Australia...
ACT or the Australian Capital Territory is the centralized region of the Commonwealth of Australia. It has a small governing internal territory of itself...
Tourism is a large sector of the national economy in Australia. It represents a huge percentage of the country’s gross domestic product. As a result...
Australia is a country and continent at the same time that is situated along the southern hemisphere of the globe. Being a continent, it is the smallest...